Allen Williams Wins Agriculture Award

Courtesy of the Aiken Standard

On Wednesday, Wagener-Salley's agriculture teacher Allen Williams was named the first-ever winner of the Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award at the S.C. Association of Agricultural Educators banquet in Aiken.

Williams has been the agriculture teacher at Wagener-Salley for nearly 30 years. He graduated from Clemson University with a bachelor's degree in agricultural education and a master's in animal science.

Trent Rushton, a student of Williams' who has just been elected as the 2012 S.C. FFA chapter president, presented the award to Williams. 

"Mr. Williams is an excellent teacher and from the first day, he told us how we decide our own future. If you're willing to listen, he'll help you." Rushton said.

"With the help of their parents, our little school has provided some wonderful, very successful children," Williams said. "I carried many of them to national and state conventions. Derrick Cooper is teaching agriculture at Gilbert High, and Ethan Busbee is studying ag eduction at Clemson. But there are also pharmacists, farmers, brickmasons, welders and a lot more."

Read a full article on Williams from the Aiken Standard here: