Aiken Co. Family Literacy Parenting Program

The Aiken County Family Literacy Program is designed to provide educational opportunities to families who face economic challenges due to low literacy.  The program offers childcare, books, meals and parenting classes at no cost to the family.  The classes include adult basic education, literacy and GED instruction, early childhood education, parent education and interactive literacy activities.  Family literacy services are provided to parents and guardians who have children 0 - 4 years of age.

The daily schedule starts at 9 a.m. with Literacy/Adult Basic Ed and GED.  Lunch is provided at noon, followed by Parenting Classes and Parent/Child Together Activities until 1 p.m.  Extended services are available from 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Currently, there are two locations for this service.  Freedman Family Literacy Parenting Program in Graniteville, 803.663.4204 and Crescent Cities Family Literacy Parenting Program in Wagener, 803.564.1125.  Please feel free to call either one for more information.