Water Works

Wagener's water operator, Daryl Cooper was recognized and named "South Carolina Water Operator of the YEAR" by the South Carolina Rural Water Association. Well earned and deserved! We in Wagener are fortunate to have Mr. Daryl Cooper providing excellent service for our town and its people. Congratulations Daryl!


Our town has seen a high number of sewer blockages due to damaging products being washed down the sink or flushed down the toilet.    

Don’t pour bacon grease down the sink, bacon and grease combines with the drain cleaner liquid plumber and that makes it harden even more on down the pipes. Do not put things down the toilet – diapers, feminine products, pencils, torn-up sheets.  These get stuck in the lines and the whole neighborhood suffers.  We have means to determine who is doing this and we will start assigning fees.

To learn more about how you can prevent blockages within the sewer system, read this message on FOG (fats, oils and grease).

Source Water Assessment at SCDHEC.

Also please take note that we will be strongly enforcing a $50 reconnection fee this year.  Water bills are due on the 15th.  If your bill remains unpaid, we will cut off the water on the 20th at 12:00 pm.


Daryl Cooper

Director of Public Works

Daryl Cooper is our Director of Public Works.  Mr. Cooper was born in Perry, attended WSHS and USC-A and served four years active duty in the Army.  He has worked with our town since August 2012, primarily with waste water treatment and water distribution.