
CCI Mission Station Helps Those in Need

Wagener Mission Station
[email protected]

Christ Central Institute's Wagener Mission Station, located near the town hall at 115 Railroad Avenue, is open and meeting needs on a regular schedule now.  The services provided include Prayer, Food Distribution Twice a Weekly, Clothing On a Need Basis, Help With Budgeting,Help Finding Resources For Clients, Partnership With Other Agencies To Meet Needs, Mentoring, Distribution of Hygiene Products as Needed, Help with Prescriptions, Rides to Hospital, Doctor’s Office, Clinics, and Lawyer’s Office, Men’s Bible Studies and Women’s Bible Studies.  Stop in on a Tuesday or Thursday morning or call 803-617-9254 for more information.


Sandra Summer's Piano Scholarship

The Sandra Summer’s Piano Scholarship, a South Carolina Non-Profit, has been established in loving memory of Sandra Summer, former First Baptist Church pianist, to provide piano lessons to those who would like to take lessons and have a desire to play.

The piano played a very important part in Sandra’s life.  She believed in the music, loved it and shared it passionately.  Sandra was very self-less and this scholarship is a way to honor that.  This is a way to preserve her memory and her passion in perpetuity.  This scholarship is a way for people who loved Sandra to do something in her memory.   

Sandra had plans to start giving her grandchildren piano lessons the year she tragically passed away in an auto accident in January, 2017.  The Sandra Summer’s Piano Scholarship will begin providing lessons in the Fall of 2017, starting with her grandchildren and people in our community are interested.  As more donations come in, the scholarship committee hopes to expand students across the state.

Scholarship founders are looking for some people with natural talent and a love for the instrument in hopes they will turn around later in life and play in their local church like Sandra did.

Funding for this scholarship will be from donations – monetary, pianos and in some cases, instructors.  Donations are tax deductible.  The scholarship founders are Vicky Tyler, Pam Garvin, Britta Carver and Missy Leach.  Contact any of these ladies for more information or to make a donation.  Vicky Tyler:  803.564.3174.

Wagener Seniors Gather at Courtney Center

By Valerie Sliker, Courtesy Wagener Monthly
Wagener Seniors continue to meet and spend time together at the Courtney Senior Center located in the Listine Gunter Courtney Human Services Building at 49 Roy Street, Wagener.  Geared towards the 60+ crowd, you are invited to stop in anytime.  Current hours are 8:30 – 5:00 Monday through Friday and the center is directed by Aiken County Parks Recreation Supervisor Carolyn Rushton.

The Aiken Area Council on Aging provides meals daily at the Courtney Senior Center for pre-registered seniors.  Lunch averages 25 – 30 in attendance.  Transportation to the center is provided upon request and they deliver to the home bound as well.  Ms. Ida Reaves is the Council on Aging’s Site Manager.  Volunteers are accepted for home deliveries.

The Courtney Senior Center offers a variety of events for the Seniors.  They often have card games or sing-alongs going and they have a Bingo game with prizes offered the third Friday of each month.  Rushton offers a gift basket drawing each month which provides a $25 basket of goodies, usually consisting of cleaning products and grocery items, for one lucky winner.    

An exercise room is available during all open hours and Rushton has set up the treadmills facing each other to encourage conversation.  A sewing room is also available for use with a few sewing machines available, free of charge.  There is a computer room, but the computers donated are not that great.  Rushton is waiting for a pool table that has been donated and she is toying with an idea to turn one room into a pub type of environment with the pool table and a wide screen TV, maybe a few other things.

Still Time for Summer Reading

By Valerie Sliker, Courtesy Wagener Monthly
The summer reading program at Wagener’s Nancy Bonnette Library, part of the Aiken Bamberg Barnwell Edgefield (ABBE) Regional Library System is running from May 22 – August 7, 2017 and while the special events being held at the library end on July 27th, you have until August 7th to read a few more books and earn your prizes.

Over 108 library patrons registered for the summer reading program.  Eligibility for prizes is divided into four groups:  Children from birth to preschool, Kindergarten to fifth grade, teens in grades 6 – 12 and then adults.  Readers who complete the requirements receive prizes including a free ticket to see the Augusta Green Jackets play the Columbia Fireflies on August 4th.

The early literacy program for children up to preschool includes a variety of activities to be done by a child and caregiver to strengthen early literacy skills.  Complete at least ten of the activities and your child will receive a beach ball.

School age children from Kindergarten through fifth grade will receive a mini lanyard and a Brag Tag upon reading six books.  Each four books read after this will result in another Brag Tag for their lanyard.

Teens in sixth through twelfth grades earn a $5 coupon towards their library fees and an entry into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card for reading books and attending library events.

Adults receive an entry into a drawing for a handy tote bag for each book read through August 7th

You have just over one week left to squeeze in some last-minute summer reading!  Our branch librarian, LeWanda Fulmer recommends The Forever Summer by Jamie Brenner or Dorothea Benton Frank’s latest novel, Same Beach, Next Year
